Euijoon Kwon, Hyun-Myung Chun, Hyunggyu Park, and Jae Sung Lee
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Fluctuation-response inequalities for kinetic and entropic perturbations "
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P. S. Pal, Jong-Min Park, Arnab Pal, Hyunggyu Park, and Jae Sung Lee
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Is active motion beneficial for target search with resetting in a thermal environment? "
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Su-Chan Park and Hyunggyu Park
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Finite size scaling of the Kuramoto model at criticality "
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Jaegon Um, Hyunsuk Hong, and Hyunggyu Park
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Jong-Min Park, Hyunggyu Park, and Jae Sung Lee
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Stochastic differential equation for a system coupled to a thermostatic bath via an arbitrary interaction Hamiltonian "
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P. S. Pal, Arnab Pal, Hyunggyu Park, and Jae Sung Lee
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Hyunsuk Hong, Kevin P. O'Keeffe, Jae Sung Lee, and Hyunggyu
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Sangyun Lee, Dong-Kyum Kim, Jong-Min Park, Won Kyu Kim, Hyunggyu
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Jae Sung Lee, Sangyun Lee, Hyukjoon Kwon, and Hyunggyu
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Jaegon Um, Konstantin E. Dorfman, and Hyunggyu
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Coherence enhanced quantum-dot heat engine "
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Jae Sung Lee and Hyunggyu
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H. Dashti N., M. N. Najafi, and Hyunggyu
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Jae Sung Lee, Jong-Min Park, and Hyunggyu
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Jong-Min Park and Hyunggyu
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Jae Sung Lee, Jong-Min Park, Jae Dong Noh, and Hyunggyu
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Jae Sung Lee, Jong-Min Park, and Hyunggyu
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Brownian heat engine with active reservoirs "
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Hyunsuk Hong, Junghyo Jo, Changbong
Hyeon, and Hyunggyu Park
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Thermodynamic cost of synchronizing a population of beating cilia "
.... J. Stat. Mech. 074001 (2020)
Jae Sung Lee, Jong-Min Park, Hyun-Myung
Chun, Jaegon Um, and Hyunggyu Park
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Exactly solvable two-terminal heat engine with asymmetric Onsager
coefficients: Origin of the power-efficiency bound "
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Ji Woong Yu, S.
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Two-dimensional Super-roughening in Three-dimensional Ising Model "
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Jae Sung Lee, Jong-Min Park, and Hyunggyu
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Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for underdamped Langevin systems driven by
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Jae Sung Lee, Sang Hoon Lee, Jaegon Um,
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Chulan Kwon, Jaegon Um, Joonhyun Yeo, and
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Three heats in strongly coupled system and bath "
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S. H. E. Rahbari, J. Vollmer, and
Hyunggyu Park,
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Characterizing the nature of the rigidity transition "
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Sang Hoon Lee, Jaegon Um, and Hyunggyu
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Nonuniversality of heat-engine efficiency at maximum power "
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Hyunggyu Park,
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Entropy and Thermodynamic second laws: New perspective - stochastic
thermodynamics and fluctuation theorems "
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Jae Sung Lee and Hyunggyu Park,
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Stochastic thermodynamics and hierarchy of fluctuation theorems with multiple
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Jae Sung Lee and Hyunggyu Park,
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Additivity of multiple heat reservoirs in the Langevin equation "
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S. H. E. Rahbari, A. A. Saberi, Hyunggyu
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Characterizing rare fluctuations in soft particulate flows "
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Sang Hoon Lee, Jaegon Um, and Hyunggyu,
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Efficiency at the maximum power output for simple two-level heat engine
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Jae Sung Lee and Hyunggyu Park,
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Carnot efficiency is reachable in an irreversible process " ,
.... Sci. Rep. 7, 10725 (2017)
Chulan Kwon, Jaegon Um, and Hyunggyu
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Information thermodynamics for a multi-feedback process with time
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.... EPL 117, 10011 (2017)
Hyun Keun Lee, Sourabh Lahiri, and
Hyunggyu Park,
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Nonequilibrium steady states in Langevin thermal systems " ,
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Joonhyun Yeo, Chulan Kwon, Hyun Keun Lee,
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.... J. Stat. Mech. 093205 (2016)
Chulan Kwon, Joonhyun Yeo, Hyun Keun Lee,
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Hyunsuk Hong, Hugues
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Finite-size scaling, dynamic fluctuations, and hyperscaling relation in the
Kuramoto model " ,
.... Phys. Rev. E 92, 022122 (2015)
Jaegon Um, Haye
Hinrichsen, Chulan Kwon, and Hyunggyu Park,
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Xavier Durang, Chulan Kwon, and Hyunggyu
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Overdamped limit and inverse-friction expansion for Brownian motion in an inhomogeneous medium "
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Kwangmoo Kim, Chulan Kwon, and Hyunggyu Park,
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Heat fluctuations and initial ensembles" ,
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Yongjoo Baek, Meesoon Ha, Hawoong Jeong,
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Xavier Durang, Malte
Henkel, and Hyunggyu Park,
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Statistical mechanics of the coagulation-diffusion process with a stochastic reset "
.... J. Phys. A 47, 045002 (2014)
Jaegon Um, Hyunsuk Hong, and Hyunggyu
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Nature of synchronization
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Jae Sung Lee, Chulan Kwon,
and Hyunggyu Park,
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Modified saddle-point integral near singularity for the large deviation function "
.... J. Stat. Mech. P11002 (2013)
Hyunsuk Hong, Jaegon Um, and Hyunggyu
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Link-disorder fluctuation effects
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.... Phys. Rev. E 87, 042105 (2013)
Chulan Kwon, Jae Dong Noh, and Hyunggyu
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Work fluctuations in a time-dependent harmonic potential: rigorous results and beyond the overdamped limit
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Jae Dong Noh, Chulan Kwon, and Hyunggyu
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J.S. Lee, Chulan Kwon, and
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Everlasting initial memory threshold for rare events
in equilibration processes " ,
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Hyun Keun Lee, Chulan
Kwon, and Hyunggyu Park,
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Fluctuation theorems and entropy production
with odd-parity variables " ,
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Jaegon Um, Hyunggyu Park, and Haye Hinrichsen,
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Entanglement versus mutual information in quantum spin chains
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Jaegon Um, Hyunsuk Hong, Fabio Marchesoni, and Hyunggyu Park,
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Rectification of spatial disorder " ,
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Hyun Keun Lee, Beom Jun Kim, and Hyunggyu Park,
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Continuity of the explosive percolation transition
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Jae Dong Noh,
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Sang Hoon Lee, Meesoon Ha, Hawoong Jeong,
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Critical behavior of the Ising model in annealed scale-free networks " ,
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Jae Dong Noh and Hyunggyu Park,
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Relaxation dynamics of an elastic string in random media" ,
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Jae Dong Noh and Hyunggyu Park,
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Critical behavior of the contact process in annealed scale-free
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Su-Chan Park and Hyunggyu Park,
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Sreedhar B. Dutta, Malte
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Su-Chan Park and Hyunggyu Park,
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Su-Chan Park and Hyunggyu Park,
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Apoorva Nagar, Meesoon Ha, and Hyunggyu Park,
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Hyunsuk Hong, Hyunggyu Park, and Lei-Han
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Finite-size scaling of synchronized oscillation on complex networks" ,
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Su-Chan Park and Hyunggyu Park,
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Hyunsuk Hong, Hugues
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Daun Jeong, M. Y. Choi, and Hyunggyu Park,
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Meesoon Ha, Hyunggyu Park, and Marcel den
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Hyunsuk Hong, Meesoon Ha, and Hyunggyu
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